15A NCAC 13C .0205      DIRECT CONTACT

(a)  A direct contact score shall be determined by adding the score for residential population determined in Paragraph (b), and the score for nearby population determined in Paragraph (c), and dividing the result by 18.

(b)  A score for residential population shall be determined by multiplying the value for toxicity assigned in Subparagraph (b)(1) by the value for targets assigned in Subparagraph (b)(2).

(1)           A value for toxicity shall be assigned by multiplying by three the value for toxicity as assigned in Rule .0202(d)(1) of this Section.

(2)           A value for residential targets shall be assigned by adding the value for high risk population assigned in Subparagraph (b)(2)(A) and the value for total resident population assigned in Subparagraph (b)(2)(B) and the value for sensitive environment assigned in Subparagraph (b)(2)(C), with a maximum value of 100. In order to evaluate residential targets, there must be confirmed contamination within the property boundaries of a residence or school or day‑care center, or within the boundaries of a sensitive environment.

(A)          A value for high risk population shall be assigned by multiplying the resident children, age six and under, by eight.

(B)          A value for total resident population shall be assigned by multiplying the total resident population by two.

(C)          A value for sensitive environments shall be assigned using Table 10.


Table 10


Sensitive Environment                                                       Assigned Value


Critical habitat for federally designated                                          25

endangered or threatened species

National park                                                                                       25

Designated federal wilderness area habitat                                    20

known to be used by federally designated

(or proposed)  threatened or endangered species

National preserve                                                                                 20

National or State wildlife refuge                                                      20

Federal land designated for protection                                            20

of natural ecosystems

Administration proposed federal wilderness area                         20

Habitat known to be used by State‑designated                              15

endangered or threatened species

Habitat known to be used by species under review                       15

as to its federally designated threatened and

endangered status

State lands designated for wildlife or                                              10

game management


(c)  A score for nearby population shall be determined by multiplying the value for likelihood of exposure assigned in Subparagraph (c)(1) by the value for toxicity assigned in Subparagraph (c)(2) and multiplying that result by the value for nearby targets assigned in Subparagraph (c)(3). The nearby population consists of individuals who live or go to school within one mile of an area containing contaminated soils or wastes.

(1)           A value for likelihood of exposure shall be assigned by using the area of contamination value assigned in Table 11 and the accessibility/frequency of use value assigned in Table 12 to arrive at the value assigned in Table 13.


Table 11


Total Area of Contamination                                                           Assigned Value


No contamination                                                                                               0

< 1 acre                                                                                                 25

> 1 acre to 5 acres                                                                               50

> 5 acres to 10 acres                                                                           75

> 10 acres                                                                                             100


Table 12


Accessibility/Frequency of Use                                                        Assigned Value


Observed contamination on residential property                           100

or on property of a park, playground, school,

or other area designated for use by the public.

Observed contamination on land with no continuous                  75

barrier to entry, a barrier that has been

breached; or land where there are clear

indications of human activity (i.e., footprints).

Observed contamination on land either protected                         50

by a continuous and effective barriers to

entry, or monitored by 24‑hour surveillance.

Observed contamination on land protected by a                           25

continuous and effective barrier to entry and

24‑hour surveillance.

Presence of an artificial barrier and a                                              5

natural barrier that combine to restrict

access to hazardous substances by completely

surrounding the facility; and a means to control

entry, at all times, through gates or other

entrances to the facility.


(2)           A value for toxicity shall be assigned by multiplying by three the value for toxicity as assigned in Rule .0202(d)(1) of this Section.

(3)           A value for nearby targets shall be assigned by multiplying the population within 1/2 mile of the site by 0.1, and adding the result of multiplying 0.05 by the population between 1/2 and 1 mile of the site, with a maximum total value of 100.


Table 13


Area of                                                                                  Accessibility/Frequency of Use Value


Value                                                                                     100         75           50           25           5


100                                                                                         1              1              0.75        0.5          0.25

75                                                                                           1              0.75        0.5          0.25        0.1

50                                                                                           0.75        0.5          0.25        0.1          0

25                                                                                           0.5          0.25        0.1          0              0

No Confirmed                                                                      0              0              0              0              0



History Note:        Authority G.S. 130A-310.2; 130A‑310.12;

Eff. June 1, 1989;

Amended Eff. September 1, 1990;

Pursuant to G.S. 150B-21.3A, rule is necessary without substantive public interest Eff. June 24, 2017.